- Welcome new members!
- Finances are good with a healthy reserve. Current membership = 95.
- The space’s lease and insurance coverage have been renewed for another year. Rent increased 10% this year.
- Grant funding update – our application has survived to round 3. Funding requested for upgraded CNC, 3D Printers, Sail Rite sewing machine and a Waterjet metal cutter. There were lots of grant applicants. Final decision expected end of July.
- The French Cleat Wall project has been completed. Many thanks to George Umberger and other volunteers for their time and expertise in design and construction, as well as all the volunteers who helped with the big clean-up day last weekend. The new open space under the tables will be used to store class supplies, class projects and jigs for the band saw and table saws.
- We now have a part-time shop steward who will be responsible for keeping the shop organized, maintaining consumable supplies and assisting with equipment repairs when needed.
- We have a new CNC instructor: Andrew Epperly. Classes will be posted on Meetup.com
- We’ll also be adding some more power woodworking classes to the calendar again soon.