Annapolis Makerspace Rules and Procedures
Updated 6/26/2023
Annapolis Makerspace, a non-profit organization, was established with the aim of offering its members a collaborative workspace and educating the community on various aspects of making. To ensure a productive and harmonious environment, please familiarize yourself with the following guidelines. By entering the premises, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these rules and regulations.
- In the event of injury, administer first aid and call 911 if warranted. Our physical address is 42 Hudson Street Suite 211, Annapolis MD 21401.
- Report all injuries to as soon as safely possible..
- Members must be a minimum of 18 years old.
- New members must attend orientation class and sign a waiver before full membership is granted.
- Membership fees are charged by subscription on a monthly basis and must be paid in advance with credit / debit card through the website.
- All membership applications are subject to final approval..
- Guests are only permitted during the Monthly Open House, or if they have registered for a class offered by Annapolis Makerspace. Any exceptions to this policy require written approval.
- Guests who are attending class must leave the space upon completion of class.
- Minors under the age of 18 are not allowed in the shop unless they are there as part of a scheduled and supervised class or member activity. Minors must be accompanied by a parent/guardian and stay with the supervising adult and behave in a way that maintains a comfortable working environment for other resident members.
- No tools or machinery may be operated while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- With the exception of small hand tools, members must take an orientation and safety class on machines prior to using.
- Tools, equipment and supplies are for use in the shop only. Please do not remove tools or equipment from the shop.
- The following machines are not to be used unless either approved in advance in writing or until the appropriate safety and operational class is completed at Annapolis Makerspace:
- Table saw
- Band Saw
- CNC Router
- Lathe
- 3D Printer
- Laser Cutter
- Do not modify any makerspace equipment, PCs or software without discussion and approval from the user community, designated equipment point of contact (POC), or email
- Members are expected to clean up after themselves. Projects and/or materials cannot be left in the space without prior written approval, and must be tagged with the member’s name, contact information, date(s) the project/material will be left unattended, and the name of the Member who gave approval. Untagged projects/materials left over 48 hours will be recycled or discarded.
- Report all damage to machines or space promptly by emailing or designated equipment POC. . This allows us to expedite repair and notify other members of the equipment availability. The space is for creating and learning, and accidents will happen.
- Annapolis Makerspace is dedicated to providing a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, nationality, immigration status, age, or religion. We have a zero-tolerance policy against all types of harassment. If you’d like to report any harassing behavior, you can email us at All reports are considered private.
- Parking is limited during business hours. Do not park directly in front of neighboring units during business hours. Park around the outer ring. After business hours it is ok to park in front of other units as long as they are not in the building.
- If using the space at night, it is recommended to lock the front door and lower/lock the roll-up door so that only key-carrying members can enter.
- The last member to leave is responsible for turning out the lights and locking the front door and (in winter) turning down the HVAC thermostat to 68 and making sure the electric heater is turned off. During the summer, please leave the A/C thermostat on.
- While using the space, members have the responsibility to report any unfamiliar people coming into the shop if they cannot be verified as a member.
Annapolis Makerspace is a place where equipment is shared, so everyone in the Makerspace is responsible for their own safety and should also be watchful of the people, machinery and processes around them. If you see an unsafe situation, speak up!
- No one can be in the Makerspace unless:
- They are an active member who has completed General Safety Training, OR
- They are supervised by an active member who has completed General Safety Training
- Safety Goggles or Safety Glasses must be worn by all people on the shop floor
- Certain equipment, as posted, are restricted in use by those members who have completed Safety Training on that specific equipment.
- Everyone in the Makerspace shop floor must wear closed-toed shoes
- No one on the shop floor can wear loose or hanging clothing, accessories, jewelry or other personal ornamentation
- If you have long hair, it must be tied back or otherwise secured when you are on the shop floor. (Basically, if your hair is long enough to tie back, then do so.)
- No open flames or devices generating high heat are allowed in the Makerspace facility. Any exception to this policy must be approved in writing.
- Always use dust collection apparatus *and* general air filters and wear an N95 mask when doing any woodworking; especially when sanding.
- When using any stains, paints, aerosols or any other materials or supplies, you must adhere to the manufacturer’s safety precautions. If safe use requires Personal Protection Equipment beyond safety goggles, then you are responsible for obtaining them and making sure they are in good working order and correctly worn.
- Supplies or procedures are not allowed if they require Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and can affect areas beyond your immediate work area. Ex. Certain solvents require special protection against fumes. These shall not be used in the Makerspace, even if you personally are wearing the appropriate PPE, since it can affect another member who enters the area.
- No spraying of aerosol paint or dangerous chemicals.
- You are responsible to ensure that any dust or fumes you generate do not create a safety hazard or annoy other members.
- For the safety and well-being of our community members, we are implementing a policy prohibiting the use or presence of any items with potential negative health side effects at our workshop. This includes but is not limited to items containing lead paint, asbestos, or other hazardous materials. Your cooperation in adhering to this policy is greatly appreciated.
- A messy work area is a dangerous work area. You shall ensure that the floors and work surfaces for your session are clean and free of debris before you start working. Even if the mess was left behind by another inconsiderate member, safety takes priority and you shall clean the area to ensure a safe working environment. You shall ensure it remains sufficiently clean and safe during your project and, when you are finished, is completely clean for the next user.
- Any cutoffs, waste or debris should be immediately cleared from the aisles
- Never operate any machinery when impaired by alcohol, drugs, tiredness or any other cause
- Never adjust any machine or tool when it is running
- If there is a broken, damaged or hazardous piece of equipment or area, please unplug it, block it off, label it and report it to equipment POC or immediately.
- The interior door between the bathroom and the shop should remain closed
- Never use gloves with rotating equipment
- Do not leave any flammable waste materials on site. (Ex: oil or cleaner soaked rags)
In 1983 Fine Woodworking Magazine polled its readers about shop injuries. An astounding number of people mentioned that they knew they were “pushing it” when their injury occurred. They were tired, but only had a few pieces left to do, or they didn’t have a push stick handy and rationalized that they would just be extra careful, or they stood on a chair they knew was rickety to reach that high shelf. SO – If you think you might be doing something unsafe, JUST STOP. It’s not worth the injury.