I tend to highlight STEM and STEAM related activities, but with everyone cooped up, everyone’s looking for things to do. I can’t highlight everything, but I’d like to give a shout out to some great resources for finding activities, virtual or otherwise, that have helped me find fun things to highlight here or are just great resources for learning.
Anne Arundel Public Library system does such great stuff. Check them out at:
Chesapeake Family Life at
AACounty.org News and Events:
What’s Up Media Events:
Annapolis.gov calendar
This weekend – Annapolis Film Festival goes virtual! Obviously with theaters closed and gatherings banned, Annapolis Film Festival had to think quick or cancel. Well, they managed to figure out how to get everything online with the Annapolis Film Festival Channel! Available now with films available in both “linear” format, where the films will play in their original time slots… as well as “VOD” or “video on demand” mode where you can watch any of the films at any time during this weekend. Head over to https://AnnapolisFilmFestival.com/affchannel for more information.
Third Eye Comics and Games offering curbside pickup and home delivery.
Art Farm – Annapolis
Summer art camps registration is open. For a $100 down payment, you can reserve a spot for your kids in these great art camps and help Art Farm weather this economic downturn for them. Camps include drawing, crafting, musical play production, mixed media, street art, graphic design, photography and more!
Might be doing Virtual Storytimes?
Tomorrow – The Great Movies Online Discussion
Keep up with more of their events on their Facebook page and website:
Pongos Learning Lab/Coder Kids Club – Crofton
Check out their Facebook feed and their website for fun things to check out online. Recently they posted an article titled STEM Things To Do While The Kids Are Home and they have a pretty cool series of posts called “Toys We Tried” highlighting some education toys and robots they’ve worked with.
Also, get a free week of access to Pongos new online courses with the “FREEWEEK” discount code. Elements of their popular How To Make Slime, Stop Motion Animation and YouTube Stars programs are on the site now with more to follow
Annapolis Makerspace
We’re closed to the public, until further notice. We encourage our members to stay home, but they can still access the shop to help with maintenance and improvements as well as any initiatives that help our healthcare workers such as making face masks and shields that are desperately needed. We had our first online/virtual monthly meeting last Tuesday and are happy that we have such great tech options available to us. Keep an eye on our Facebook, Meetup and Twitter in case we come up with some fun things to do online with you all.