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Maker Minutes 4/26/2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018 7:00 AM | Trevor Gryffyn (Administrator)

Saturday 10am-4pm 4/28 - Linthicum, MD - National Electronics Museum - RobotFest

Exhibitors include Art Institute of Washington with robots and animatronics, Greenbelt Makerspace with a Rubik’s cube solving robot, HacDC showing off a homemade CNC router, Harford Hackerspace, Baltimore NODE, R2DC Builders Club, RepRap, DC Robotics Club, International RC Warship Combat Club, FabLab Baltimore, DC Area Drone User Group, NoVA Labs and Unallocated Space


GEMS - Girls Excelling in Math and Science

Saturday Saturday, 10am-1pm GEMS STEM Saturday Academy, a STEM workshop for girls 11-14 at the University of MD College Park - Handson activities and demos including how to code games, extract fruit DNA, a fire lab with sprinkler demo and liquid nitrogen ice cream. Registration is required.



Catylator - Silver Spring

Signup for summer camps are still open at Catylator. Camps include art design & technology, game design 101, woodworking 101, sew electric: e-textiles and one called Create. Make. Lead.



Saturday 4/28 10am-5pm - Key School Book Festival - Besides books also has drones, lego battles, hovertube, marblerun in their Tech Village. Make & Create STEM and Art Activities


Saturday 4/28 10am-4pm - Eastport Annapolis Neck - Drop-in Stem, a family friendly STEM activity

Annapolis Makerspace

4/27 - 7pm-8pm - Intro to Oscilloscopes w/Aaron

4/30 - 6-8:30pm - Getting started with Raspberry Pi

5/1 - 7-9pm - Fusion360 CAD Night


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